
We are Grateful for your Compliments

Throughout the year, we hear many kind words, how wonderful True Insight is and how beneficial the healing, communications, classes and workshops are. Thank you. We are very grateful for your kind words, the inspirational steps that you each take, and of course, your personal endorsements and referrals.

Give a Healing - Get a Healing

Our purpose is to offer classes and workshops as often as we can, as much as we do, while creating a sanctuary; a kindergarten to develop intuition and a place that promotes individual growth. Your monetary contribution during the year and those that volunteer their time, allow us to offer affordable instruction, communication and healing, and routinely maintain True Insight. Each week, we do our utmost for True Insight, so that it is informative, sparkly and cheerful; “Welcoming" and available for everyone. Altogether, we realize our reciprocal healing nature – “give a healing, get a healing”, thank you everyone! Again, as many of you who are familiar with our yearly schedule, we are asking for donations – turn your complimentary words into a gift for us all to share. As a 10-year old (young), small, non-profit, we are constantly growing, changing and spending, trying to keep pace with our students (new, present and alumni), our aging building and the requirements of the outside world, all as it changes.

Please make a donation to True Insight Spiritual Center

We know you support True Insight, would you help us further with a tax deductible donation of $25, $50 or more? With this donation, you will help finance pressing maintenance (repair the broken windows, replace the lobby flooring, steam clean the carpets, fresh paint, etc.) and help us make necessary improvements to the center (new heaters and microphones for online classes).

Keep True Insight in present time and performing at its best.

Please use the donation button and/or make your contribution to:
True Insight Spiritual Center
111 Eucalyptus Drive
El Segundo, California, 90245

Each donation in 2013 is helpful and any donation given will be put to the best possible use. Your donation and commitment is greatly appreciated and on behalf of everyone who will benefit from your generosity – thank you.

Most sincerely,

Carrie Brooks, Director of True Insight Spiritual Center


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